In Finnish winter, I think that the Sun is very lazy. It wake up at about 8:00 AM. It's a little ease.
And it "go to the bed" before 5:00 PM. It's a really very nice life.
Also, at 12:00 PM, you can look the Sun without looking up, just looking to your side. (In Brazil, in the middle of day, in any season, the Sun is exactly inside you, frying your head)
Besides the laziness, maybe the Sun is a little shy too, I don't know.
Or maybe too, it is more heavy here and can't rise a lot... Ok... These are only my crazy suppositions. :) But one thing I know, the Sun here works less.
Hello, Sun, you are so smart, and I'm a little jealousy :)
The Sun at 8:47 AM
The Sun at 12:00
The Sun at 16:30
A very nice life is live by your side, bright and hearty sun. <3